Friday, November 03, 2006


It is now Friday. I start Placement 1 on Monday. This didn't seem a problem on Monday, or Tuesday, or Wednesday, or Thursday. However, having e-mailed my schemes of work to the school I discovered this afternoon that the last bits hadn't saved. So I had to write them again and send them again and I don't know if they'll be ready on Monday so I have to print off possibly 30 copies over the weekend and I don't know how to connect my printer to my laptop because Stephen does that but he's working all weekend.


So deep breaths, calm down. I have 3 of the 9 tasks I have to do before the 17th December done, only another 6 to go. I have started planning my first assignment of which I really want the first draft done before the hols so I can just fiddle with it over wine and munchies at Christmas (maybe not wine - drunken assignment get me kicked oot! Or the best grade ever? Hmm)

And that's even before I start the placement. Am I doomed to a life of being shut up at a computer forevermore, or should I just hibernate? Every year I could sleep from October to March very happily - sunlight good - darkness and cold bad!

Hiho hiho its off to school we go, when we hear the bell we run like

Maybe not


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on starting your own blog! I wish I had done one when I was training to be a teacher.
Good luck with your placements!

LesleyJ said...

Right sorry that was me that just commented - put my wrong user name in.